Why not parsable (was: RIPE-81++...)
Laurent Joncheray
Tue Aug 23 16:43:44 CEST 1994
> What ? it is still compatible even if we make them mandatory. No. as-in/out won't be compliant with interas-in/out > Why is it a pain ? One address more is not going to kill someone and > it is parsable. End story. - The less information you keep the less errors you get. - I care about my router but not the peer's router. My neighbour can change it router addresses without me having to change my AS policy. > Woh - I thought Jimi made hos decision and thats that. We need to get > this finished and as far as I am concerned we make this as above and > we are done. :-) -- Laurent Joncheray, E-Mail: lpj at merit.edu Merit Network Inc, 1071 Beal Avenue, Phone: +1 (313) 936 2065 Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Fax: +1 (313) 747 3745 "This is the end, Beautiful friend. This is the end, My only friend, the end" JM -------- Logged at Tue Aug 23 16:59:54 MET DST 1994 ---------
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