Why not parsable (was: RIPE-81++...)
Tony Bates
Tue Aug 23 16:59:46 CEST 1994
Laurent Joncheray <lpj at merit.edu> writes: * > What ? it is still compatible even if we make them mandatory. * * No. as-in/out won't be compliant with interas-in/out * I am lost - where is the compliance issue here. As far as I can see the only difference is in local info which is correct. ????????? * > Why is it a pain ? One address more is not going to kill someone and * > it is parsable. End story. * * - The less information you keep the less errors you get. * - I care about my router but not the peer's router. My That is a totally null argument. You better no the other end if you are peering with it otherwise it doesn't work and you cannot implement your desired policy anyway. Whats the big deal here. The only people who are going to use the local info will know this without any doubt. * neighbour can change it router addresses without me having to change my * AS policy. * You are not changing your policy - you are meerly updating it to reflect reality. * > Woh - I thought Jimi made hos decision and thats that. We need to get * > this finished and as far as I am concerned we make this as above and * > we are done. * * :-) * If you like ?? but dont see much need for one at the present time. --Tony. -------- Logged at Tue Aug 23 18:40:23 MET DST 1994 ---------
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