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1995 NCC Contributors Meeting

Dear contributors,

On behalf of Steve Druck I circulate the final agenda 
for tomorrow's meeting. The only change is that the
terms of reference agenda point has been removed and
replaced by the point about waiving fees.

Kind Regards

Daniel Karrenberg


	Date: 	September 1st 1995
	Time:	10.30 hours - 16.30 hours (coffee availble from 09.30)
	Venue:  Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Hilton
        	1118 ZK  Schiphol Centrum
        	Phone:  +31 20 603 4567
        	Fax:    +31 20 648 0917

The hotel is located on the airport itself, five minutes walking
distance from Schiphol Plaza, the shopping mall annex train station
connected to the main terminal building.  Also a courtesy bus runs every
15 minutes from bus stop A13.  It is difficult to give directions
because of major construction work going on in the area. 
If you are lost, ask around, it is well known.

The agenda:

10.30	1 Welcome, Selection of Chair for Meeting
          Steve Druck, TERENA VP for Services

10.40	2 NCC Activity Report Q1-Q3/95
          Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC Manager
          Presentation of reports already given.
	  For information and comments.
11.00  	3 NCC Financial Report Q1-Q3/95
          Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC Manager
	  Presentation of Q1/Q2 Report 
	  plus then available Q3 results.
	  For information and comments.

11.30   4 NCC Activity Plan and Expenditure 1996 
          Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC Manager
	  Proposal sent out July 31st.
	  For discussion and decision.

12.30	  L U N C H
          with further discussions 

13.30   5 NCC Charging Scheme 1996
          Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC Manager
	  Proposal sent out July 31st.
	  For discussion and decision.

15.30   6 Procedures for Waiving of NCC Fees
          Steve Druck, TERENA VP for Services
	  See discussion on mailing list.

16.30     adjourn


All relevant documents for the meeting are available at


Current list:

agenda-950901v1.txt     original invitation and proposed agenda 
agenda-950901v2.txt     invitation and proposed agenda 

archive                 mailing list archive

exp96.ps                report for agenda point 4 next meeting

inc96.ps                report for agenda point 5 next meeting

minutes-940921.txt      minutes previous meeting

ncc-exp.ps              report for agenda point 2 next meeting

ncc-reven.ps            report for agenda point 3 next meeting


The final list of those who RSVPed:

Bernward Averwald            de.roka                                 
Jens Baedeker                de.csl-gmbh                             
Lajos Balint                 hu.hungarnet                            
Stephan Biesbroeck           be.belnet                               
Rob Blokzijl                 RIPE.chairman                           
Antonio-Blasco Bonito        it.garr                                 
Daniel David                 de.ipf                                  
Jim Dixon                    uk.vbcnet                               
Steve Druck                  TERENA                                  
Lubos Elias                  sk.sanet                                
Henk Hofs                    nl.ibm                                  
Daniel Karrenberg            RIPE NCC
Rolf Krause                  de.roka                                 
Siegfried Langenbach         de.csl-gmbh                             
Humberto Lucas               fr.eunet                                
Joy Marino                   it.itnet                                
Javed Mirza                  uk.cabletel                             
Isabelle Morel               fr.renater                              
Kees Neggers                 nl.surfnet                              
Svend Moeller Nielsen        dk.tbit                                 
Arnold Nipper                de.xlink                                
Mike Norris                  ie.heanet                               
Axel Pawlik                  de.eunet                                
Juergen Rauschenbach         de.dfn                                  
Pavel Rosendorf              cz.eunet                                
Miguel A. Sanz               es.rediris                              
Ian Smith                    uk.janet                                
Oliver Smith                 uk.demon                                
Cliff Stanford               uk.demon                                
Nigel Titley                 uk.bt                                   
Pavel Vachek                 cz.cesnet                               
Peter Villemoes              dk.denet fi.funet is.eunet no.uninett ...
Wim Vink                     eu.eunet                                
Olle F. Wallner              se.swipnet                              
Wilfried Woeber              at.aconet                               
Dimitris Zisiadis            gr.forthnet                             

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