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1995 NCC Contributors Meeting

  > I <Daniel.Karrenberg@localhost wrote earlier:
  > On behalf of Steve Druck, TERENA VP for Services, it is a pleasure to
  > invite you to the 1995 meeting of the RIPE NCC Contributors Committee.
  >     Date:   September 1st 1995
  >     Time:   10.30 hours - 16.30 hours (coffee availble from 09.30)
  >     Venue:  Amsterdam Shiphol Airport (details to follow)

The meeting will be held at 

        Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Hilton
        1118 ZK  Schiphol Centrum

        Phone:  +31 20 603 4567
        Fax:    +31 20 648 0917

The hotel is located on the airport itself, five minutes walking
distance from Schiphol Plaza, the shopping mall annex train station
connected to the main terminal building.  Also a courtesy bus runs every
15 minutes from bus stop A13.  It is difficult to give directions
because of major construction work going on in the area. 

The following people have rsvp'd and will therefore get lunch
and beverages:

        Name                    Registry ID
        Bernward Averwald       de.roka
        Lajos Balint            hu.hungarnet        
        Stephan Biesbroeck      be.belnet
        Antonio-Blasco Bonito   it.garr  
        Jim Dixon               uk.vbcnet
        Rolf Krause             de.roka  
        Javed Mirza             uk.cabletel
        Svend Moeller Nielsen   dk.tbit 
        Arnold Nipper           de.xlink 
        Mike Norris             ie.heanet 
        Juergen Rauschenbach    de.dfn      
        Pavel Rosendorf         cz.eunet
        Miguel A. Sanz          es.rediris
        Oliver Smith            uk.demon  
        Ian Smith               UK.JANET
        Cliff Stanford          uk.demon
        Nigel Titley            uk.bt   
        Olle F. Wallner         se.swipnet
        Wilfried Woeber         at.aconet

Of course all contributors are welcome but if yu do not let us know
there may be only a folding chair and no lunch. ;-) 
Please do rsvp using the form below if you intend to come.

I am looking forward to see you on September 1st.

Daniel Karrenberg
RIPE NCC Manager

----------8<---- you may cut the form off here ---------------------


Registration, please send to co-rsvp@localhost.

Please put your answers between the brackets [].

1) Your name
        Enter First name, Last name in FULL
        e.g. John Doe
             Mary-Beth Walton

        # NAME   [                                                         ]

2) Your Registry ID (format: country-code.<name of registry>)

        # REG    [                                                         ]


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