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1995 NCC Contributors Meeting

As announced earlier, the 1995 RIPE NCC Contributors Meeting will be
held on September 1st in Amsterdam.  By popular demand the venue will be
somewhere at Schiphol airport.  Details to follow as soon as they are
available.  Again, please fill out the RSVP form below and send it to
co-rsvp@localhost so that we can provide you with Lunch and beverages. 
We will only be able to provide Lunch for those sending their RSVPs
before Sunday August 13th.  Do it now. 



On behalf of Steve Druck, TERENA VP for Services, it is a pleasure to
invite you to the 1995 meeting of the RIPE NCC Contributors Committee.
	Date: 	September 1st 1995
	Time:	10.30 hours - 16.30 hours (coffee availble from 09.30)
	Venue:  Amsterdam Shiphol Airport (details to follow)

The current agenda:

10.30	1 Welcome, Selection of Chair for Meeting
          Steve Druck, TERENA VP for Services

10.40	2 NCC Activity Report Q1-Q3/95
          Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC Manager
          Presentation of reports already given.
	  For information and comments.
11.00  	3 NCC Financial Report Q1-Q3/95
          Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC Manager
	  Presentation of Q1/Q2 Report already published
	  plus then available Q3 results.
	  For information and comments.

11.30   4 NCC Activity Plan and Expenditure 1996 
          Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC Manager
	  Proposal to be sent out before August 1st.
	  For discussion and decision.

12.30	  L U N C H
          with further discussions 

13.30   5 NCC Charging Scheme 1996
          Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC Manager
	  Proposal to be sent out before August 1st.
	  For discussion and decision.

15.30   6 NCC Contributors Committeee Terms of Reference
          Steve Druck, TERENA VP for Services

16.30     adjourn

Please send requests concerning the agenda to Steve Druck.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Daniel Karrenberg
RIPE NCC Manager

----------8<---- you may cut the form off here ---------------------


Registration, please send to co-rsvp@localhost.

Please put your answers between the brackets [].

1) Your name
        Enter First name, Last name in FULL
        e.g. John Doe
             Mary-Beth Walton

        # NAME   [                                                         ]

2) Your Registry ID (format: country-code.<name of registry>)

        # REG    [                                                         ]


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