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Starting: Tue Oct 3 11:04:36 CEST 2017
Ending: Sun Oct 29 13:17:19 CET 2017
Messages: 32
- [iot-discussion] RIPE 75 draft agenda now confirmed and available Denesh Bhabuta
- [iot-discussion] Announcement of a nomination for the co-chair of IoT WG Farzad Ebrahimi
- [iot-discussion] About Remote lectures for students in different countries ... Farzad Ebrahimi
- [iot-discussion] The text of my email is not mentioned in the iot-discussion Digest, Vol 11, Issue 12 Farzad Ebrahimi
- [iot-discussion] Fwd: [Int-area] Liaison statement received from ITU-T regarding a "Reference Model of IPv6 Addressing Plan for Internet of Things Deployment" Rob Evans
- [iot-discussion] Fwd: [Int-area] Liaison statement received from ITU-T regarding a "Reference Model of IPv6 Addressing Plan for Internet of Things Deployment" Marco Hogewoning
- [iot-discussion] Report from the RIPE IoT Roundtable in Leeds on 27 September 2017 Marco Hogewoning
- [iot-discussion] RIPE 75 draft agenda now confirmed and available Marco Hogewoning
- [iot-discussion] Reminder: RIPE 75 IoT Session is about to start (24 October, 10:00 UTC) Marco Hogewoning
- [iot-discussion] Outcome of the RIPE 75 Charter Discussion Marco Hogewoning
- [iot-discussion] My Idea about the number of IoT WG co-chairs Vahan Hovsepyan
- [iot-discussion] iot-discussion Digest, Vol 11, Issue 9 Vahan Hovsepyan
- [iot-discussion] [ipv6-wg] Fwd: [Int-area] Liaison statement received from ITU-T regarding a "Reference Model of IPv6 Addressing Plan for Internet of Things Deployment" Dimitris Kalogeras
- [iot-discussion] Outcome of the RIPE 75 Charter Discussion Yuriy Kargapolov
- [iot-discussion] RIPE 75 draft agenda now confirmed and available Daniel Karrenberg
- [iot-discussion] New on RIPE Labs: RIPE Atlas Probes as IoT Devices Mirjam Kuehne
- [iot-discussion] New on RIPE Labs: Key Factors for the Successful Entry of Developing Countries into the Internet of Things Mirjam Kuehne
- [iot-discussion] Liaison statement received from ITU-T regarding a "Reference Model of IPv6 Addressing Plan for Internet of Things Deployment" Jim Reid
- [iot-discussion] chair selection processes Jim Reid
- [iot-discussion] chair selection processes Jim Reid
- [iot-discussion] access to ITU documents Jim Reid
- [iot-discussion] Charter for IoT WG Jim Reid
- [iot-discussion] another step towards the IoT WG Jim Reid
- [iot-discussion] number of IoT WG co-chairs Jim Reid
- [iot-discussion] improved clarity on the IoT mailing list Jim Reid
- [iot-discussion] Outcome of the RIPE 75 Charter Discussion Jim Reid
- [iot-discussion] iot-discussion Digest, Vol 11, Issue 10 Karen Tadevosyan
- [iot-discussion] the IoT WG charter Anna Wilson
- [iot-discussion] RIPE 75 draft agenda now confirmed and available Anna Wilson
- [iot-discussion] chair selection processes Anna Wilson
- [iot-discussion] chair selection processes Anna Wilson
- [iot-discussion] chair selection processes Filiz Yilmaz
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