[Dnsmon-test] DNSMON update

Robert Kisteleki robert at ripe.net
Fri Feb 21 16:01:42 CET 2014

Dear testers,

Today we have not deployed new features to the service -- but we are still
working on some features and updated the tester's page accordingly.

We again would like to encourage you to provide us feedback (good or bad)
about the service. Specifically, there was a request from Anand:

> I'm speaking here as a DNS server operator, and not as a staff member. I
> prefer measurements to NOT use retry, so that if there is an issue with
> my DNS servers, I can see it quickly. If a probe uses retries, then it
> will hide operational issues.

Usual URLs:
* https://atlas.ripe.net/dnsmon/testing
* https://atlas.ripe.net/dnsmon/index-page
