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Starting: Wed Jan 10 10:28:15 CET 2001
Ending: Wed Jan 31 11:37:41 CET 2001
Messages: 53
- Loop in AS macro
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet
- Loop in AS macro
Gilles Farrache
- Loop in AS macro Peter B . Juul
- Loop in AS macro
Jesper Skriver
- Loop in AS macro Gilles Farrache
- Loop in AS macro Jesper Skriver
- Loop in AS macro
Christian Storch
- Loop in AS macro Gerald Andrew Winters
- Loop in AS macro
Lu, Ping
- Loop in AS macro Peter B . Juul
- Loop in AS macro Shane Kerr
- Loop in AS macro Gerald Andrew Winters
- Loop in AS macro Lu, Ping
- Loop in AS macro
Shane Kerr
- Loop in AS macro
Gilles Farrache
- Loop in AS macro Jesper Skriver
- Loop in AS macro Cengiz Alaettinoglu
- Loop in AS macro Cengiz Alaettinoglu
- Loop in AS macro
Gilles Farrache
- Loop in AS macro Frank Bohnsack
- Loop in AS macro
Gilles Farrache
- inetnum update
Panagiotis Skoulikaritis
- inetnum update RIPE NCC Staff
- formular for access to dbm
glaess at
- formular for access to dbm RIPE Database Administration
- NCC#2001014534 WHOIS-Database .at-Domains (fwd) de.aball (fwd) X-NCC-RegID: de.aball (fwd)
Andreas Jennen
- NCC#2001014534 WHOIS-Database .at-Domains (fwd) de.aball (fwd) X-NCC-RegID: de.aball (fwd) Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet
- Minutes of the DB Working group, RIPE 37 Nigel Titley
- draft agenda (v1), for DB-WG meeting, RIPE 38, Amsterdam Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet
- LIR-ALLOCATED revisited James Aldridge
- Moving the whois protocol discussion Paul Hoffman / IMC
- CERT Object summary (for review in Paris)
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet
- CERT Object summary (for review in Paris) Andrei Robachevsky
- Minutes from San Diego Randy Bush
- DB-WG minutes Nigel Titley
- RPSL question
Frank Bohnsack
- RPSL question RIPE Database Administration
- RPSL question Gerald Andrew Winters
- Announcement: RIPE Whois Database Version 3.0beta2 released RIPE Database Announcements
- URGENT: Database problems?
Andrei Robachevsky
- URGENT: Database problems?
Berislav Todorovic
- URGENT: Database problems? Svetlana Tkachenko
- URGENT: Database problems?
Berislav Todorovic
- CERT/IRT object in the RIPE database
Gorazd Bozic
- CERT/IRT object in the RIPE database
Andrew Cormack
- CERT/IRT object in the RIPE database Randy Bush
- CERT/IRT object in the RIPE database
Andrew Cormack
- Delays in RIPE Database updates RIPE Database Administration
- Modifying 'person:' objects
Carsten Schiefner
- Modifying 'person:' objects Andrei Robachevsky
- Modifying 'person:' objects Lu, Ping
- Modifying 'person:' objects
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet
- Modifying 'person:' objects Carsten Schiefner
- Modifying 'person:' objects
Engin Gunduz
- Modifying 'person:' objects Carsten Schiefner
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