[Atlas-anchors-pilot] press release and tech list question

Aleksi Suhonen Aleksi.Suhonen at trex.fi
Mon Jan 28 07:54:36 CET 2013


As the subject indicates, I've got questions on two topics:


Now that things are coming together, we would like to gain some PR 
points by making it public. When would be the right time to do this?

Should we write and release the press release alone?
Or together with RIPE NCC?
Or should we maximize visibility by making a joint release with all the 
pilot participants?

The thing we'd like to emphasize for our part are that we strive to make 
the Internet better, both on the local level and globally, and as such 
the Atlas Anchor program fits our strategy very well.


TREX has a mailing list for technical bulletins and discussions. Most of 
the email addresses on this list belong to NOCs of member ISPs, but 
there are a handful of admins of other hosted services thereas well. 
When we announce maintenance, we usually announce it on this mailing 
list alone, because it's hard to keep track of who else the maintenance 
might affect.

So, should we subscribe some RIPE NCC address on our tech list?
Which address should that be?


	+358 4567 02048 / http://www.trex.fi/
	Aleksi Suhonen / TREX  Tampere Region Exchange Oy

     `What I need,' shouted Ford, by way of clarifying his
     previous remarks, `is a strong drink and a peer-group.'
        -- Douglas Adams, Life the Universe and Everything