[Atlas-anchors-pilot] press release and tech list question

Vesna Manojlovic BECHA at ripe.net
Thu Jan 31 17:21:05 CET 2013

Hi Aleksi,

thanks for the initiative!

On 1/28/13 7:54 AM, Aleksi Suhonen wrote:
> Hi,
> As the subject indicates, I've got questions on two topics:
> Now that things are coming together, we would like to gain some PR 
> points by making it public. When would be the right time to do this?

We would prefer to wait for at least a week, or two,
at least until we finalize the features of the "Phase 1" that are 
_almost_ ready...

... and maybe till we can announce the "Phase 2" also.

> Should we write and release the press release alone?
> Or together with RIPE NCC?

I would prefer if there is at least a RIPE NCC page that you can mention 
in your press release.

I am working on making one, but, as I said, there are still a few 
open-ends to sort out.

> Or should we maximize visibility by making a joint release with all the 
> pilot participants?

That sounds like a good idea too!

> The thing we'd like to emphasize for our part are that we strive to make 
> the Internet better, both on the local level and globally, and as such 
> the Atlas Anchor program fits our strategy very well.

Excellent angle :)

And we are grateful for your participation.



> So, should we subscribe some RIPE NCC address on our tech list?
> Which address should that be?

gii-ops at ripe.net

Thank you,