[Atlas-anchors-pilot] Friday afternoon news....

Vesna Manojlovic BECHA at ripe.net
Fri Jan 25 18:30:33 CET 2013


it looks like I made a mistake,
which just proves I should not be sending emails after 5PM on Friday...

On 1/25/13 5:08 PM, Vesna Manojlovic wrote:
> Hi, Atlas Anchors hosts,
> I have some small news for you:
> we have 9 Atlas Anchors up & running!!
> That means:
> - you all did your bit of set-up & sent us details
> - we installed OS & other things on your box
> - we have enabled your box to be a "target"
> If you log in (as a primary contact for the Anchor), you should be able 
> to see in the list of "my probes" a new "probe" with IS starting with 
> 6000... mine is 6001... (picture 7)

You can not see this yet.

Consider it "sneak preview" - this is how it will look like for you too, 
once we enable it.

And since everyone else _is_ enjoying the start of the weekend,
I can not tell you *when* is your Anchor going to be visible to you.

Apologies for the confusion I might have caused
with my eagerness to show Anchor results...
