[Atlas-anchors-pilot] Friday afternoon news....
Vesna Manojlovic
BECHA at ripe.net
Fri Jan 25 17:08:34 CET 2013
Hi, Atlas Anchors hosts,
I have some small news for you:
we have 9 Atlas Anchors up & running!!
That means:
- you all did your bit of set-up & sent us details
- we installed OS & other things on your box
- we have enabled your box to be a "target"
If you log in (as a primary contact for the Anchor), you should be able
to see in the list of "my probes" a new "probe" with IS starting with
6000... mine is 6001... (picture 7)
Please let us know if you have comments on that..
We also did calibration measurements, and will be analysing that in
order to select the "best" measurements that will be "targeting"
your Anchor.
You can see all those "UDMs" on Picture 8 (screenshot)
Next week we will make a bit Atlas deployment, that will include showing
your Anchors as targets in the drop-down many, for anyone to use; extra
credits earned for that; and more.
Next steps _on our side_ involve installing probe SW on your Anchors
(mine already has it, in the testing mode), and User Interface
improvements. And more documentation of "things" ;-)
On your side: please let us know what's the most important for you,
as the next step.
Till next week,
on behalf of GII, MCB and Atlas-dev teams :)
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