Re: [anti-spam-wg] Non-cooperation of RIPE ISP in investigating report of email abuse (spam)

> Even if RIPE pulled these netranges from spammers, how can advertized
> BGP-rotes be enforced ?

It's a lot less borderline to carry a route for deassigned space than
to carry a route for space which is assigned but with invalid WHOIS
data, especially in view of all the (otherwise) totally legitimate
resources having invalid WHOIS data (largely from lack of enforcement).

One thing that might help would be for a RIR to themselves emit a route
for any space assigned to them but currently not sub-assigned, a route
which would blackhole the traffic.  (I don't remember enough BGP to
know whether this would require a fat pipe or whether there is such a
thing as a blackhole route at the BGP level.)  Transit providers may
well be willing to block traffic to such ranges and might even be
willing to drop announcements of such ranges.  (Providers who aren't on
the take and aren't spammer shells, that is; I'm sure there are more of
those than we'd like, but most traffic eventually passes through
someone reasonably sane.)

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