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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Spam-RBL, anyone?

On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 04:09:25PM +0100, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
> What about adding an abuse-c to domain-, inetnum, asnum, route objects ?

From: Rodney Tillotson <R.Tillotson@localhost
Subject: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Anti-spam WG draft minutes RIPE 46
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 09:23:44 +0100
[ ... ]
D6 Database WG

Generally the wrong e-mail address obtained from the RIPE database
is used for complaints of abuse. People look at the information in
the database, see a contact person and then think that this person
is responsible for spam, hacking, pornographic content etc.
There is a serious lack of user awareness with regard to the
results obtained. In many cases multiple addresses are used, some
within the ripe.net domain; they are chosen apparently because they
are easy to find.

The Database WG are broadly aware of the problem and are working
on features which they believe are relevant:
the IRT object could be very useful if the object can be made to
appear by default and if (for instance) SpamCop will start to
derive contact details from it;
an Organisation object is currently under discussion which could
be another good place to list an abuse contact.
The Database WG could also consider changing the default behaviour
of whois in the light of its importance to naive users, perhaps
suppressing misleading mail addresses or inserting the most
appropriate contact available.

This is an area which we need to raise with the Database WG.
[note from the Chair after the meeting: I have brought it to
their attention and they ask that we present our concerns and
suggestions for consideration. We will generate a proposal on
the mailing list.]
From: Markus Stumpf maex-lists-spam-ripe-anti-spam@localhost
Subject: Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Anti-spam WG draft minutes RIPE 46
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2003 00:23:43 +0200

I'd propose to add abuse-c: records for inetnum and route objects.
For ease of parsing, access speed and to reduce server load (reolving  
linked objects) on the whois servers I think it is enough to not have a
abuse-c object but simply a record listing an email address.
From: furio ercolessi furio+as@localhost
Subject: Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Anti-spam WG draft minutes RIPE 46
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 11:52:31 +0200

> I'd propose to add abuse-c: records for inetnum and route objects.

I second that.  See also what the Cyberabuse abuse-contact project
(whose goal is to associate an abuse email to any given IP) says at
in the RIPE section.

I really don't understand why there needs to be months of dicussions in
probably some 10 mailing lists - and we probably need some papers  that
have to be discussed and approved in ten places - to add a record to
objects which will /everyone/ save hours and hours and which is probably
implemented in the software within 30 minutes.


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