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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Spam-RBL, anyone?

On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 10:06:26PM +0000, Niall O'Reilly wrote:

> We find it effective to use a dedicated role mailbox for each of (a 
> small
> number of) categories of administrative issues.  We take care to 
> advertise
> this in the whois records for our networks.  From time to time, someone
> chooses to ignore what we've advertised, and do something else.  This is
> offensive, counterproductive, and arguably illegal.

Your tale at present is not (to me, at least) sufficiently clear
to enable readers to establish exactly what the issue is, in fact.
However, if you believe that any law enforcement agency would take
action against a complainant who sends an abuse complaint to any
email address in any of the various objects (inetnum, role, person
etc) contained within the RIPE record for any given network from
which abuse originates, I believe that you are almost certainly
(on a balance of say 99.999% probability) mistaken.

> It's offensive, because it gives the message, "We don't care what you
> advertise about how you deal with problems on your network; we'll act as
> seems good to us in any case."
In fact, you are not advertising any abuse related contact address in
arguably the most widely used database of abuse related contact
addresses, since:

anthony@localhost:~> whois -h whois.abuse.net ucd.ie
postmaster@localhost (default, no info)

Not only do many (perhaps most) reporters of Unsolicited Bulk Email
manually query whois.abuse.net in the first instance before sending
complaints, but a number of automated and semi-automated abuse reporting
tools do also.

To add your preferred abuse reporting contact address to this database,
you will need to visit:


And follow the instructions therein.

Anthony Edwards              *     anthony.edwards@localhost
Abuse Team Manager           *     Easynet UK Abuse Team
Easynet Ltd                  *     DDI: 0161 227 0707
http://www.uk.easynet.net    *     Fax: 0845 333 4503

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