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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Spam-RBL, anyone?


> If you think there should be a way of tagging some addresses with "this
> address is for abuse issues", well, I agree with you; that's what
> putting up an abuse contact would be about.  (If RIPE doesn't support
> abuse contacts - I don't know - then perhaps you as a RIPE constituent
> should work on having that changed, because it's causing you trouble.)

What about adding an abuse-c to domain-, inetnum, asnum, route objects ?

The time is ripe (pun intended), isn't it 8-)

MfG/Best regards, Kurt Jaeger                                  16 years to go !
LF.net GmbH        fon +49 711 90074-23  pi@localhost  
Ruppmannstr. 27    fax +49 711 90074-33
D-70565 Stuttgart  mob +49 171 3101372

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