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[anti-spam-wg@localhost] Hello World

Hello to everyone,

I have joined this list in the hope of learning more ways to defend ourselves against the abuse of our (small) systems, both incoming (spamassassin is proving acceptable) and outgoing. This latter is more why I am here, to discover how if possible to stop our systems being abused for sending mail - I was horrified to discover 200,000 messages awaiting in our outmail a couple of years ago, just before I erased the operating system because it had 2,500 virus infected files. Wiped out 2 months of my time did that.

For example on reading the meeting minutes I just learned that abuse of weakly passworded SMTP Auth servers is allowing abusers to use such servers akin to open relays. I am acting to check our defences even now and hope that I will learn more as (y)our discussions progress.

Anthony Mellor FCA
Brit (47) in Switzerland.

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