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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Solution to Spam

Clive D.W. Feather wrote:
Which ISPs did you - Mark - contact in the UK? I'm surprised that the
entire UK anti-spam community seems to be silent on this for such an
"unbelievable" response rate.
More generally, I would be very interested in seeing any evidence to substantiate the following claims:

1) that he is involved in security protocol development. References would be good.

2) that a central registry would be acceptable to all ISP's as providing an adequate system for authorising all SMTP transactions on the Internet.

2a) that a central registry, hacked together in 24 hours, would be acceptable to all ISP's as providing an adequate system for authorising all SMTP transactions on the Internet.

3) That any sort of system like this could be implemented in toto in a few days.

4) that internet users would be willing to fund such a body to the tune of $2,000,000 per person per year ($1 billion, 500 employees).

5) that the 24-hour response of 500 ISP's to this system was 90%, and that somehow, contacting this number of ISP's didn't involve of spamming them (if, indeed, they were contacted in the first place).

6) that he was involved in the production of "quite a number of RFC's". Which ones, please?

7) that a test system has actually been developed. If there's code, shouldn't it be easy to publish it?

References, URLs, RFCs - actually, anything at all would be acceptable.

A smell of petroleum pervades throughout, it would seem.


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