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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] spamming in the name of sience?

> What I want to do basically comes down to a fake-spamrun. I want to
> register a domain, setup a small website and spam as much as a can
> for it.  Then I will do the following:

> - measure the number of hits
> - measure the number of abusecomplaints (they end up in my mailbox
>   anyway ;)
> - measure the number of removerequests
> - measure any other cool stuff I can come up with

> and of course, write a cool report on it, differentiated by origins
> and stuff.

I would _hope_ you would get no chance to do any of that; if your
upstream is the least bit sane, your next step will be none of the
above, but instead will be hunting for new connectivity.

Spam is still spam, and is still unacceptable behaviour, regardless of
the motivation behind it.

> While this sounds like a cool project, I have my ethical doubts
> around it.

I'm glad to hear it.  I hope you listen to them.  Your proposed study
strikes me as rather akin to a "study" that consists of vandalizing
random cars parked on the street in order to record how many people
notice and/or complain.

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