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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] spamming in the name of sience?

On Sun, Apr 13, 2003 at 02:25:46PM +0200, Paul Wouters wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Apr 2003, Sabri Berisha wrote:
> > What I want to do basically comes down to a fake-spamrun. I want to
> > register a domain, setup a small website and spam as much as a can for
> > it. Then I will do the following:
> Ahh, it was you :-)
> Don't do it. I can tell you, since we had that happen to us just this
> last friday: http://www.xtdnet.nl/paul/spam/ueff/example.txt

This is quite bastardous.

> > - measure the number of hits
> > - measure the number of abusecomplaints (they end up in my mailbox
> >   anyway ;)
> > - measure the number of removerequests
> > - measure any other cool stuff I can come up with
> I don't know the size of the spam run. I do know roughly:
> - 180.000 extra hits on our website
> - 3500 bounces
> - 150 removeme's
> - 4 spamcop reports
> - 0 new customers :)
> I still need to count the complaints, but you're welcome to have a copy
> of my spamattack mailbox :)

Hmmm... This would definately be useful if we would have an insight in
what was send out..
> > So, what's the opinion on this list about this? Your replies are welcome
> > in private as this list is *anti*-spam ;)
> Don't do it :)

Ok. pro's - con's: 2-2 

so far :)

Sabri Berisha   "I route, therefore you are"

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