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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Contacts

On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 10:18:11 +0100, Gert Doering wrote:

>Look at the way things operate in the real world.  Customer data is 
>changing all the time - employees leaving, companies changing their 
>name and (some months later) their e-mail addresses, and so on.
>There's no way a LIR can ensure that all data is correct 100% of the 
>time - or that, even if the mail is correctly delivered, there is 
>clue level at the receiving end to actually handle the e-mail correctly.

Thank you for your suggestion.  I have reworded the relevant portion
of the text more permissively. 

>Commercial relations are not "parent-children" relations, and it's not
>our job to educate our customers in such a way.

Well that comment tells the world you are still living in the
"let the victims pay" model.   That is no longer acceptable.  If you
LEND the customer resources capable of injuring others, it is (by
any standard of  personal and organizational responsibility) YOUR
JOB to prevent their abuse and if they are abused to withdraw the
resources.   Try telling a judge "It's not my responsibility my drunken
son crashed into a storefront with my car"; he'll smile, say it's
your car, you're responsible, and issue a judgment to YOU to pay

Remember, IP addresses are NOT the property of the user.

Jeffrey Race

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