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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Re: failure notice

On Sun, 19 Jan 2003 13:07:19 +0100, Piet Beertema wrote:
>You're right. From a viewpoint of security, trustability and spam-
>fighting a message-id should be considered mandatory. Whether you
>should bounce a mail though that has no message-id or contains one
>that is non-RFC-conformant is subject to discussion. Personally I
>don't bounce them, but I treat them as spam and silently discard
>them. A warning might be better, but why should I educate spammers?

Well I am not a spammer, quite the reverse.   

However my very excellent mail client PMMail was programmed with 
the understanding by the programmers that the accepting mail
agent would add the ID, and my ISP accepts mail with the 
understanding that the ID would have been supplied by the
mail client already.    So I have no choice in the matter.

Just another data point for your consideration.

Jeffrey Race

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