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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Re: failure notice

> However my very excellent mail client PMMail was programmed with the
> understanding by the programmers that the accepting mail agent would
> add the ID, and my ISP accepts mail with the understanding that the
> ID would have been supplied by the mail client already.

So, your user agent and your ISP are incompatible in this regard.

> So I have no choice in the matter.

Sure you do.  You could switch to another user agent.  You could switch
to another ISP.  You could arrange with a third party to inject your
mail through a mailserver that is willing to accept user submissions
with no ID and add one of its own.  You could maybe run a local proxy
that adds IDs.  You might even be able to convince your ISP to switch
to a mailer that's willing to add IDs to user sumbissions that come in
without any.  There are probably others I haven't thought of.

Or, of course, you could do none of the above and just live with
continuing to violate that SHOULD and the concomitant failures.

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