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FW: Resolution of Spam

After receiving a porno spam last week advertising pornvideospecials.com, I
forwarded it to Level3 abuse and Caroline Skene at level3 (because Level3
abuse don't normally take spam reports seriously without a bit of

Despite an assurance she would get back to me that afternoon, all I got was
a mail back from Level3 abuse over the weekend titled 'Resolution of Spam'.
The site is still live, but they say they have informed the ISP downstream.
The ISP has clearly failed to act.

I don't think this kind of complaint should be considered 'resolved' by the
upstream when all they've done is pass the buck to a downstream (who has
still done nothing). Surely it is 'resolved' when the porno spammer has had
their site pulled? No doubt they are going to continue sending porno emails
to me and a million other people (including children, no doubt).

Seems Level3 doesn't deal with abuse complaints, just passes them down to
professional spam outfits below them and that's it. Not really a resolution
in my book.

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