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Re: FW: Resolution of Spam

On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 paul@localhost wrote:


> I don't think this kind of complaint should be considered 'resolved' by the
> upstream when all they've done is pass the buck to a downstream (who has
> still done nothing). Surely it is 'resolved' when the porno spammer has had
> their site pulled? No doubt they are going to continue sending porno emails
> to me and a million other people (including children, no doubt).
> Seems Level3 doesn't deal with abuse complaints, just passes them down to
> professional spam outfits below them and that's it. Not really a resolution
> in my book.

While I understand your grief I would like to point out that its Level3
and their downstreams responsability to act on your complaint. If they
reply to you that is A Good Thing[tm] but afaik that's not required. The
way the handle their spam complaints is for them to decide too. If they
want to give every customer at least 1 warning before actually shutting
down a site/link/connection/whatever, that's their decision. I do agree
that action should be taken immediately (in my position I usually give 1
warning, next spamrun means a disconnection on layer1 level if possible)
but if their policy is different then so be it.

Problem imho is that you can not simply dictate someone how to run their
networks; if you think they misuse it; simply block them on your
mailservers or border routers (which is the BOFH way of dealing with
things ;).

Same goes for open relays; in my network they get a layer1 firewall or in RADIUS where they dialup but not every ISP is that harsh.
Blackholes are your friend.

Additionally, don't forget the massive amount of spam complaints routed to
abuse@localhost or abuse@localhost. It takes a lot of time/manpower to
handle these complaints since every Windows-click'n-drool-tools generate
complaints and sends them to every email address which they can possibly
find in the RIPE/ARIN/APNIC db's (I even had complaints on
as-guardian@localhost which is only listed as notify address for as-bit).

Met vriendelijke groet,       __________________
Sabri Berisha                /\ ___/
SAB666-RIPE                 /- \ _/  Business Internet Trends BV
http://noc.bit.nl/         /--- \/           __________________

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