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Re: sprint spam

On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 07:32:05PM -0000, paul@localhost (paul@localhost) wrote: Re: sprint spam
> We got an interesting response from the International Sales Manager of
> Sprint regarding how to deal with spam:

Now why does this not surprise me. It is the typical attitude of
someone who is much more concerned about making money for the
company rather than the good of the Internet - but then again that
is what they have been employed for by their respective company.

This is the problem that we face within anti-spam and good practice
in such areas... why would some executive with a multi million
dollar customer care about whether there are end users who are
getting spam from this customer and are slightly inconvenienced by

I'll say it again - it isn't just Sprint but a whole load of other
telcos and ISPs who are in the same situation...

To make the situation better there needs to be a change and more
education at higher livels within companies... especially as those
in higher positions tend not to be from the industry to start with -
let alone read emails on a daily basis.

Denesh Bhabuta
Cyberstrider Limited - www.cyberstrider.net
Aexiomus Limited     - www.aexiomus.net - Computer shop now live
me.uk domains released - http://www.cyberstrider.net/meuk.shtml

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