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RE: Responding to spam complaints

Hello Mally and others

I thought I should contribute the standard replies that we use at APNIC for
spam and hacking (see below).

Our replies are quite short and both refer to the FAQ info we have gathered
at http://www.apnic.net/info/faq/abuse

Our standard replies (which we do often modify for particluar cases) have
evolved a lot over the past couple of years in response to the feedback that
comes back to us. The current ones are generally quite well received and
seem to involve less back and forth correspondence than some earlier


- Gerard Ross

RT-Form-Letter: spam

Thank you for your information; however, the spam you have received did not
come from APNIC, nor was it relayed through our servers.

However, you are welcome to search the APNIC Whois Database to track down
the source of the spam and find contact details of the relevant network

For more information on how to do this, please see the FAQ "Reporting
network abuse: spamming and hacking" at:


Please note that APNIC is not an ISP. Nor is it empowered to investigate
complaints of spam.

I hope this information will help.


RT-Form-Letter: hacker

Thank you for your information; however, the intrusions to your system have
not come from APNIC.

However, you are welcome to search the APNIC Whois Database to track down
the source of the network abuse and find contact details of the relevant
network administrators.

For more information on how to do this, please see the FAQ "Reporting
network abuse: spamming and hacking" at:


Please note that APNIC is not an ISP. Nor is it empowered to investigate
complaints of network abuse.

I hope this information will be of assistance.


Gerard Ross, Documentation Manager                  gerard@localhost
APNIC                                               ph +61 7 3858 3100
http://www.apnic.net                                fx +61 7 3858 3199

See you at APRICOT 2002                     http://www.apricot2002.net
and the 13th APNIC Open Policy Meeting   http://www.apnic.net/meetings

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