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Re: Responding to spam complaints

* Mally Mclane mally@localhost [020222 13:27]:
>The RIPE NCC is currently exploring ways to improve how it responds to the
>spam complaints it recieves, and what better place to ask than the anti-spam
>wg? ;)
>Currently, we respond to spam complaints with a standard text, which
>extracts whois output, such as:
>We also have two autoresponders:
>along with RFC1918-RIPE in the database.
>and a (hopefully) helpful webpage:
>Which still doesnt seem to be enough :( So, what I want to know is, how do
>you guys do it? I assume you must (thanks to spamcop!) misdirected email
>complaints, how do you handle? Just reply saying 'not us'? Or...?

This tends to depend on the current workload we have. If we have a lot
on then the complainant will probably get just a "This isn't our IP
address" response.

However, most of the time we will work out where the abuse originated
from and point them in the right direction, including some useful links
on how to read mail headers (if appropriate), tools to trace IP
addresses and the ubiquitous abuse.net lookup tool :)

James Hoddinott     | Manager, Network Abuse Team |      Demon Internet
jamesh@localhost    |     +44 (0)78 7625 7845     |       www.demon.net
+44 (0)20 8371 1119 |       abuse@localhost       | +44 (0)20 8371 1160

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