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Re: Opt-out ? we do know the "bounce" command...


>Unfortunately what you think is not the case. At least not here.
>We had such a case a couple of years ago. Then the spammer used
>an existing e-mail address of one of our top researchers, which
>did a lot of harm to his reputation. So we reported it to the
>"specialized departments" within the police, asking them to take
>action. They couldn't, because there was no law that they could
>base action on... :-( No, we didn't consult a lawyer thereafter.
>	Piet

  isn4t that exactly like in the non-"e-something" life?
  There are a lot of things that you can try to resolve post-factum, e.g.
  by a lawsuite, but where the police would not be able help "directly"?
PS: has anybody ever tried to get insurance cover for those risks?
    I4d expect the insurance companies to be much more creative eventually
    in trying to recovering the cost for an "accident" from the

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