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Re: Opt-out ? we do know the "bounce" command...

    >I am far from sure, but I *think* that it's illegal to send
    >out paper mail that claims to be
    >    From: Piet Beertema, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
    >I think that would be called "fraud" and I think doing so in email
    >    From: <Piet.Beertema@localhost
    >would be fraud as well.
Since I know you, I'd chase you personally for that. ;-)

Unfortunately what you think is not the case. At least not here.
We had such a case a couple of years ago. Then the spammer used
an existing e-mail address of one of our top researchers, which
did a lot of harm to his reputation. So we reported it to the
"specialized departments" within the police, asking them to take
action. They couldn't, because there was no law that they could
base action on... :-( No, we didn't consult a lawyer thereafter.


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