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Re: Opt-out ? we do know the "bounce" command...

On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 03:57:15PM +0200, Gunnar Lindberg wrote:
> Of course not, there much too much spam in email :-).

A webcrawler gets them all anyway in ten languages ;-)
> More seriously I would suggest "don't". If the Parliament Members get
> p*ssed enough they could stop listening completely to any sane opinion
> on spam and email and make even more insane descisions. After all,

I know, they are located not too far away from here. (BTW, if one would
not have to deal with the kind of people there, the parliament would not
be worst place to work ;-)

> they have the money and the power, so if they need 100 extra people
> to cope with incomming spam to them, they'll hire those 100. I can't,
> so I'd prefer to hope they'd listen to sanity... not much hope.

Yeah, chances are high that they only get the annoiance, but not the
message within.



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