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Re: How do you get off ORBS nowadays?

I think we sorted that out later in the discussion. All but one of the
NS(orbs.org) responds NXdomain(relays.orbs.org). The last one
(e-scrub.com []) decided to respond with faulty data for
all requests. Request may go to any of the NS(orbs.org), possibly not
random but random enough for this discussion.

There was also some rationale presented (basically the owner wanted
to send out responses with long enough TTL to reduce the number of
queries). While I can understand the rationale, I strongly disagree
with the habit to wreak havoc to others just to save one's own skin.

If I know where to send it, I'd probably file a formal complaint;
it's OK to screw up your own DNS since that only hurts you, but doing
so where it will have bad effects on others is another Bad Thing (TM).

Anyway, I suggest we close this topic.


>From sbl@localhost  Mon Jul 16 17:33:38 2001
>Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 17:33:36 +0200
>From: Stefan Berglund sbl@localhost
>Cc: Gunnar Lindberg lindberg@localhost
>Subject: Re: How do you get off ORBS nowadays?
>Message-ID: <20010716173336.A25168@localhost>
>Reply-To: sbl@localhost, anti-spam-wg@localhost
>References: <20010716111119.B6374@localhost> <200107160935.LAA16346@localhost> <20010716114501.J7360@localhost>
>Content-Disposition: inline
>User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i
>In-Reply-To: <20010716114501.J7360@localhost>; from fa@localhost on Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 11:45:01AM +0200

>On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 11:45:01AM +0200, Frank Altpeter wrote:
>> Hello !
>> Gunnar Lindberg wrote on 16.07.2001 11:35:07 +0200:
>> > We will be happy to close any open relay we happen to have, but we
>> > need to know why it's considered open.
>> That's not completely true... just a little test:
>> this host does exist:
>> has address
>> this host really doesn't:
>> has address
>> and this one too:
>> 991.991.991.991.relays.orbs.org has address
>> So, they are just listing _every_ possible IP, regardless if it was listed
>> in ORBS before or not.

>This is not what I'm seeing, out of my ~140 machines within 129.16.116 and
>117 it is only two machines that is listed in relays.orbs.org
> and As all of the machines have identical
>antirelaying rules I'm a little bit stumped, why these two and not the
>If any of my machines are in fact relaying I wish to know about it so
>that I can fix it but as Gunnar pointed out they are believed to be OK
>and I have no idea where to even start looking...

>Stefan Berglund                       | sbl@localhost
>System Administrator @dd.chalmers.se  | Tel: +46 31 772 32 43
>Chalmers University of Technology, Engineering Physics
>Life - the ultimate practical joke |   pgp key available from keyservers

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