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Re: How do you get off ORBS nowadays?

On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 11:45:01AM +0200, Frank Altpeter wrote:
> Hello !
> Gunnar Lindberg wrote on 16.07.2001 11:35:07 +0200:
> > We will be happy to close any open relay we happen to have, but we
> > need to know why it's considered open.
> That's not completely true... just a little test:
> this host does exist:
> has address
> this host really doesn't:
> has address
> and this one too:
> 991.991.991.991.relays.orbs.org has address
> So, they are just listing _every_ possible IP, regardless if it was listed
> in ORBS before or not.

This is not what I'm seeing, out of my ~140 machines within 129.16.116 and
117 it is only two machines that is listed in relays.orbs.org and As all of the machines have identical
antirelaying rules I'm a little bit stumped, why these two and not the
If any of my machines are in fact relaying I wish to know about it so
that I can fix it but as Gunnar pointed out they are believed to be OK
and I have no idea where to even start looking...

Stefan Berglund                       | sbl@localhost
System Administrator @dd.chalmers.se  | Tel: +46 31 772 32 43
Chalmers University of Technology, Engineering Physics
Life - the ultimate practical joke |   pgp key available from keyservers

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