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Re: How do you get off ORBS nowadays?, sbl@localhost

Well, hm, I think you miss the point. We can easily "disconnect" ORBS
(i.e. *we* can stop sending queries to them and effectively ignore
what the old site is up to) B U T we can not prevent *others* from
still querying them and thus block *our* mail to these "others".

This is exactly what can be expected when there is some centralized
mail-blocking/anti-spam service - it is closed down but the info it
had still persist and now noone can remove that faulty info. We will
be happy to close any open relay we happen to have, but we need to
know why it's considered open.

And, sigh,
provides more text but still no help on what's considered wrong at
out site.

My 0.1 ECU suggestion is that someone should clear the entire
relays.orbs.org zone, rather than having it active and faulty.
If this "someone" reads, please act, if anyone else knows who to
forward to, please do so. Many thanks in advance.

Then, as I said above, we'll be happy to fix whatever open relays we
have - and trust me, my pair of scissors will not hestitate...

	Gunnar Lindberg

>From furio+as@localhost  Mon Jul 16 11:11:22 2001
>Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:11:19 +0200
>From: furio ercolessi furio+as@localhost
>To: Gunnar Lindberg lindberg@localhost
>, sbl@localhost
>Subject: Re: How do you get off ORBS nowadays?
>Message-ID: <20010716111119.B6374@localhost>
>References: <200107160906.LAA17111@localhost>
>In-Reply-To: <200107160906.LAA17111@localhost>; from lindberg@localhost on Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 11:06:16AM +0200

>On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 11:06:16AM +0200, Gunnar Lindberg wrote:
>> We've run into a serious problem caused by OBRS DNS. We find hosts
>> on our network listed in relays.orbs.org, e.g. 
>>     []
>> However:
>>     1)	To our knowledge this is wrong; [] is not open.

>ORBS is dead: disconnect it.

>% dig txt @e-scrub.com
>  1W IN TXT  "MAIL BLOCKED; See http://www.e-scrub.com/orbs/";

>furio ercolessi

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