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Addition to spam definition


The definition of spam covers mainly the sending of  Unsolicted
Commercial E-mail. It does not explicitly cover the burdens we all have
with the non-delivery-messages that come with (normal) Commercial

I would like to add to the definition also any (Commercial) e-mail with
an improper envelope-from-address. Improper meaning that a non-delivery
message to that address can not be delivered within a reasonable time to
the mailbox represented by the envelope-from-address. I consider 1 hour
a reasonable time, network outages excluded.

This definition implies that Commercial E-mail using Opt-in lists
without a proper setup for removing no longer existing addresses is
spam. One may argue that this is covered with the argument that when an
address no longer exists the message becomes unsolicited, but I find it
necessary to make it explicit. It also implies that the sender must have
enough capacity at any time to receive returned messages and to make
sure that this capacity is available (backup).


Freek de Kruijf   tel. 015 2783226   e-mail: F.deKruijf@localhost
Dienst Technische Ondersteuning TU Delft              fax  015 2783787
Postadres:                 Postbus 354                   2600 AJ Delft
Bezoekadres:               M. de Ruyterweg 10-12         2628 BA Delft

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