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SV: Addition to spam definition

I second the motion.

Bjarne Carlsen
Fakse Municipality

> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra:	Freek de Kruijf [SMTP:F.deKruijf@localhost]
> Sendt:	11. maj 2001 12:02
> Til:	RIPE Anti-Spam WG
> Emne:	Addition to spam definition
> L.S.
> The definition of spam covers mainly the sending of  Unsolicted
> Commercial E-mail. It does not explicitly cover the burdens we all have
> with the non-delivery-messages that come with (normal) Commercial
> E-mail.
> I would like to add to the definition also any (Commercial) e-mail with
> an improper envelope-from-address. Improper meaning that a non-delivery
> message to that address can not be delivered within a reasonable time to
> the mailbox represented by the envelope-from-address. I consider 1 hour
> a reasonable time, network outages excluded.
> This definition implies that Commercial E-mail using Opt-in lists
> without a proper setup for removing no longer existing addresses is
> spam. One may argue that this is covered with the argument that when an
> address no longer exists the message becomes unsolicited, but I find it
> necessary to make it explicit. It also implies that the sender must have
> enough capacity at any time to receive returned messages and to make
> sure that this capacity is available (backup).
> fr.gr.
> Freek de Kruijf   tel. 015 2783226   e-mail: F.deKruijf@localhost
> Dienst Technische Ondersteuning TU Delft              fax  015 2783787
> Postadres:                 Postbus 354                   2600 AJ Delft
> Bezoekadres:               M. de Ruyterweg 10-12         2628 BA Delft

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