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Anti-spam WG draft agenda RIPE 40

Here are a few ideas for the next WG meeting; but I need some
input and all comments are welcome.
I hope to have an agreed outline next week; we can fill in the
details nearer the time.

I would particularly like to hear your views on tutorials. There
seem to be some people who are unfamiliar with anti-spam work
and precautions and who might find this helpful.
The questions are:
      What topics? I have invented some in the skeleton agenda
           below but you may have some better or more specific
           ideas. Should we aim for one, two or three topics?
      Who can deliver the tutorials? Please offer if you can, or
           suggest other people I might ask.

The other new item is D, on security. Those who were at the
Bologna meeting will remember that this was mentioned in the WG
and in the plenary. I have written three headings but they are
just one possibility. We could decide that it's a good idea to
extend the WG activity to cover all of mail security, or we may
think that a separate group should look at security in a different
way, leaving us to make progress on spam alone. Either way we need
to say something at the next meeting, and it might be useful to
have talked about it on the list before then.

Thank you.
Rodney Tillotson, JANET-CERT
+44 1235 822 255.

Anti-spam WG draft agenda for RIPE 40, Praha October 2001.

A    Administrative Matters
      A1   scribe
      A2   list of participants
      A3   agenda
      A4   minutes

B    Tutorials
      B1   How spam works
      B2   How spam affects ISPs
      B3   Reading spam headers
C    Update
      C1   Recent list discussion
      C2   Developments in spam
      C3   Developments in anti-spam
      C4   Open relay products

D    Security issues in mail
      D1   Port filtering
      D2   Mail system threats
      D2   Signing and encryption

E    Advice
      E1   opt-IN lists (work item)
      E2   Reporting spam

F    Technical measures
      F1   Filtering

G    Interaction with CSIRTs
      G1   Reading mail headers (work item)

Y    AOB

Z    Agenda for RIPE 41

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