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Re: Draft Agenda for WG meeting at RIPE31

On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 10:42:07AM +0200, Piet Beertema wrote:
>     I'm not going to be there and I couldn't have helped anyway, but
>     I suggest you try to investigate the following:
>         What about address lists, i.e. is owning the address CD legal?
>         Is selling the address CD legal? What about creating it?
> CD's with addresses are a normal commercial commodity.

Since few months we have in Poland a law about collecting personal data,
registering such collections and rules of collecting. It is very beginning
and probably nobody tried to use this law in Internet area. I was reading
he law and I think such CD collections are illegal in pl.

>         Would it be possible to create and maintain a "custommer black
>         list" that is shared between ISPs? (Assuming this would help).
> You can maintain your own blacklists, as long as you
> keep them to yourself and don't share them with others.
> If you would, you'd very likely have to prove in court
> that customer X of ISP Y did violate *your* acceptable
> use policy, where X is not a customer of yours and you
> gained the knowledge about X only from ISP Y.

What is forbidding sharing the blacklist? In Poland the above mentioned
law could..


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