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Re: ORBS ?

Some of our hosts where inserted in this list at dorkslayers.com.

If someone send a report to them that you are relaying they will
investigate that and add you to the list without notice.

When you notice that you are on the list the trouble begins..
At least at the time we where there. We couldn't get any complete
mail's with headers that proved that we where relaying ang how the
relayed mail was relayed..

They however promised to improve this...


On Tue, 8 Sep 1998, Piet Beertema wrote:

>     Sorry I don't want interrupt the discusion about original  proposal of John
>     Martin, but I just receive 5 messages as this:
>     *From: ORBS sender@localhost
>     *Reply-To: ORBS orbs@localhost
>     *Subject: has been listed by ORBS
>     Anybody know ORBS (Open Relay Blocking System) initiative ?
> Yes. They see themselves as The Alternative to RBL.
> But whereas RBL at least offers some `guarantee'
> that you won't end up on their list without proper
> investigation and quick removal if you didn't or
> no longer belong on the list, ORBS doesn't really
> offer anything like that. Fortunately sofar no ISP
> seems to base its blocking policy on ORBS.
> 	Piet

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