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Re: ORBS ?

In your message of Tue, 08 Sep 1998 16:36:41 +0200 you wrote:

+     I've reported quite a few systems to ORBS (or actually the previous 
+     version of the blacklist), and they seemed to get entered into the
+     system pretty fast and removed as well after they got fixed (fast =
+     a matter of minutes).
+ Good, but was that during *their* 'office hours'?

The Internet Office is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, even on 
holidays ;-) The ORBS notification I got, mentioned an URL where you can 
'remove' a machine from the list. Apparently it will be temporarily removed 
at that moment after which a check will be made and the system will be 
removed permanently. So they say.


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