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Re: ES [Was : Anti-spam ...]

>	Ibernet is a private company and there is no mention of this kind
>of penalizations for network abusein the contract. That is what i wanted
>to say before, if there is not an Acceptable Use policy, you cannot cut
>one customer SMTP port.  They will sue you, or they will change company
>(after suing you)

And normally in the agreements between companies there is a chapter on how to
change the agreement. All the agreements I've seen between ISP and customers it
is fairly fast and straightforward to change the agreement. Of course Ibernet
might not have that kind of chapter or then they might choose not to change
the agreement for other reasons.

'nuff said,

Esa Laitinen  	             If I cannot reply to your news or mail
                             message with reply, you won't get my answer.
http://www.decus.fi          Why try to hide away from spam, why not fight
http://www.iki.fi/laitinen   it? http://www.mcs.com/~jcr/junkemaildeal.html

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