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Re: Anti-spam Working Group

    I think that if the European Internet community will have some
    anti-spam policy
Internet is a community of communities of communities... and
so on, ad infinitum. And just like there's no European policy
in other areas, there will be no "European Internet policy".

    (black hole will be fine)
Definitely not: see previous reply.

    maybe then we'll be able to get rid of spammers using relays in
    Spain or Korea or Mexico or UUNET (USA).
Let all sysadmins (not ISP's!) use RBL. It's quite solid and
trusted, and about as good as you can get. And if a sysadmin
can't or doesn't want to use this and/or his/her own anti-spam
measures, (s)he shouldn't complain about spam.


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