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Re: Anti-spam Working Group

Piet Beertema wrote:

Most of the sysadmins never heard about RBL and also I'm quite sure that
they are hardly adding a new user to the system and you think that
they'll be able to use m4 and other tools to make sendmail to use


>     I think that if the European Internet community will have some
>     anti-spam policy
> Internet is a community of communities of communities... and
> so on, ad infinitum. And just like there's no European policy
> in other areas, there will be no "European Internet policy".
>     (black hole will be fine)
> Definitely not: see previous reply.
>     maybe then we'll be able to get rid of spammers using relays in
>     Spain or Korea or Mexico or UUNET (USA).
> Let all sysadmins (not ISP's!) use RBL. It's quite solid and
> trusted, and about as good as you can get. And if a sysadmin
> can't or doesn't want to use this and/or his/her own anti-spam
> measures, (s)he shouldn't complain about spam.
>         Piet

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