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Re: ES [Was : Anti-spam ...]

At 10:06 02.09.1998 +0100, you wrote:
>	Unfortunately, there is no Aceptable use policy in the National
>Company, Telefonica, so you can inform users and companies conected, but
>you can't force them to change thier configuration or their software.
>	More about this; even when the main provider, ibernet.es/ttd.net
>is informing customers (mainly companys and ISPs) there is nobody
>dedicated to spammimg issues, and the mail arriving to the usual abuse,
>hostmaster, etc is redirected to the end-complany. 

Why not ask TEN-34 (or ATT-UNISOURCE) to filter these domains :

   adenet.es    194.224.98.x
   futurnet.es  195.76.98.x

and then just help the whole academic community (or more).

Why not proceed the same way with others unable to work in the mutual
respect of the Netiquette ?

Jacques VIRCHAUX                     Tél.: +41 21 693 45 11
  EPFL - SIC          _|_             Fax: +41 21 693 22 20
1015 Lausanne   ______(*)______   E-mail : Jacques.Virchaux@localhost

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