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Mandatory 2FA on RIPE NCC Access Accounts

news ips and asns

Two-factor authentication (2FA) will become mandatory on RIPE NCC Access accounts on Wednesday 27 March 2024. If you have not already done so, please enable 2FA on your account.

For accounts that do not have two-factor authentication, when you try to log in from Wednesday 27 March, you will be prompted to check your inbox and follow the instructions in the email sent to you by the RIPE NCC. Once you have enabled two-factor authentication, you can log in as you usually would.

The second phase of 2FA implementation is scheduled for the following quarter and this is where we will look at expanding the authentication methods for 2FA. Feedback and suggestions on which features are the most important to you are welcome on the RIPE NCC Services Working Group ( mailing list.