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Draft Five Year Strategy Published

ripe ncc budget activity plan news

Our newfive-year strategy document is now available for members to review and comment on.  

This draft five-year strategy is an important document that will guide our work in the coming years. Each Activity Plan and Budget over the next five years will adhere to the strategy outlined in this document. The document also sets out the factors that we will need to be conscious of as we pursue our strategy, and it lays out the vision, mission and values that will support us in fulfilling our strategic objectives.

We have also published our Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2022. The draft Activity Plan and Budget is the clearest way RIPE NCC members can learn about and comment on the activities that will take place in 2022. The document has an executive summary that provides an overview of the main activities and budget changes for the coming year. 

Both documents will be presented at the upcoming RIPE 83 Meeting and RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) on 24 November. After the RIPE Meeting, we will incorporate feedback from members and community and then present a final version to the Executive Board for approval at its meeting in December.

Please note that if you would like to attend or vote at the GM, you will need to register via the General Meeting section in