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News and Announcements

  • Publications / News
    Update on Court Proceedings Between RIPE NCC and State of the Netherlands

    The RIPE NCC appeared in court on 29 November 2012 after it filed a summons against the state of the Netherlands following a police order it received on 8 November 2011 to temporarily "lock" registrations in the RIPE Database. The RIPE NCC filed the summons because it wants the Dutch court to clarify what the RIPE NCC's obligations are for such orders in the future.

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  • Publications / News
    Monitor the Syrian Internet Blackout with RIPEstat

    Syria was disconnected from the Internet on Thursday, 29 December at 10:26 UTC (12:26 local time in Damascus) when a vast majority of the country's Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes were withdrawn. We are closely monitoring the situation. At the time of publication, none of the RIPE NCC's 14 Syr

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  • Publications / News
    RIPE NCC Listing Service: Streamlining Resource Transfers

    At this time, it only enables RIPE NCC members to list the IPv4 address space they hold and no longer need. Since the depletion of the available IPv4 address pool, there has been an increasing demand from the membership for a service that allows LIRs to request IPv4 address space for transfer. To fulfil this demand, we are currently building an addition to the Listing Service to provide this functionality.

    NewsItem ips and asns news
  • Publications / News
    RIPE NCC Launches Technical Emergency Hotline

    The RIPE NCC is proud to announce the launch of the RIPE NCC Technical Emergency Hotline.

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  • Publications / News
    Merit to Temporarily Use 2a00:0000::/12 for Darknet Experiment

    Starting on 1 November 2012, Merit, a non-profit research organisation, will temporarily use and announce 2a00:0000::/12 as part of its darknet experiment. The range was allocated to the RIPE NCC by the IANA. A similar experiment was also performed by Merit for IPv4. More information on t

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  • Publications / News
    RIPE NCC and APNIC Formalise Closer Working Relationship

    The RIPE NCC has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with APNIC, its counterpart for the Asia-Pacific region. The agreement formalises the already close working relationship between the two organisations which has seen them sharing resources in a number of key areas.

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  • Publications / News
    Incorrect Use of the RIPE Database

    Recently, members of our community have been contacted by a commercial organisation that may have used personal contact details from the public RIPE Database for marketing and advertising purposes.

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  • Publications / News
    RIPE NCC Participates in First Arab IGF

    The first Arab Internet Governance Forum (IGF) took place in Kuwait from 9-11 October, hosted by the Kuwait Information Technology Society (KITS) and attracting more than 290 participants from 16 countries throughout the Arab region and around the world. As well as contributing to wide-ranging discu

    NewsItem ipv6 ixp middle eastern event news igf internet governance
  • Publications / News
    RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2013

    At the General Meeting on 26 September 2012, the RIPE NCC membership voted to approve the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2013 - Option A. Members voted on three options, with Option A receiving the most votes from the membership. The RIPE NCC and its Executive Board welcomes the clear decision from the m

    NewsItem general meeting charging scheme news membership
  • Publications / News
    RIPE Elects Dmitry Kohmanyuk to NRO NC

    Dmitry Kohmanyuk was elected to the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) at a Plenary session of the RIPE 65 Meeting on 28 September 2012.

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