IPv6 News
About / NewsIPv6 Fundamentals Course Now Available in Ukrainian and Russian
We have published a translation of the RIPE NCC Academy IPv6 Fundamentals course in Ukrainian and Russian.
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About / NewsIPv6 Allocation to the RIPE NCC
The RIPE NCC has requested an IPv6 allocation to use for its own infrastructure. The RIPE NCC pool of arbiters has decided that the request met the criteria for a /29 IPv6 allocation.
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About / NewsUpdated IPv6 Fundamentals Online Course Launched
We have launched an updated version of our IPv6 Fundamentals e-learning course in the RIPE NCC Academy.
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About / NewsIPv6 Security Expert Exam and Online Course Launched
RIPE NCC Certified Professionals has launched its third exam – IPv6 Security Expert, which certifies the capability of designing a high-level strategy to protect an IPv6 network against common threats.
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About / NewsIPv6 Fundamentals – Analyst Exam Launched
RIPE NCC Certified Professionals announces the launch of its second digital badge.
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About / NewsRIPE NCC and Jordan regulator partner up to increase awareness about IPv6 deployment in Jordan
Special workshops and training sessions held to help build IPv6 capacity in Jordan
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About / NewsRoundtable Meeting for Governments and Regulators in Brussels
On Monday, 27 January 2020, the RIPE NCC held a Roundtable Meeting for government representatives and regulators in Brussels, Belgium.
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About / NewsThe RIPE NCC has run out of IPv4 Addresses
Today, at 15:35 (UTC+1) on 25 November 2019, we made our final /22 IPv4 allocation from the last remaining addresses in our available pool. We have now run out of IPv4 addresses.
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About / NewsRIPE NCC Receives /12 IPv6 Allocation From IANA
On 5 June 2019, the RIPE NCC received the following IPv6 allocation from IANA: 2a10:0000::/12
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About / NewsRIPE NCC Receives IPv6 Allocation from IANA
The RIPE NCC received the following IPv6 allocation from IANA on 13 March 2019: 2001:3c00::/22 In 2004, IANA reserved this block for possible future allocation to the RIPE NCC. We requested this specific prefix because it completes a block previously allocated to the RIPE NCC:
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