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Archived Plans

You can find our completed plans from previous quarters, along with requests from the community. We are updating this page at the end of each quarter.

2024 Plans and Community Input

Item 1: Developing e-learning for WG chairs

We are collaborating with the RIPE Chair team and Working Group (WG) chairs to define the needs and goals and make available a training course that helps WG chairs complete their role better. The first part of the course has been finished and published on the RIPE NCC Academy.

Status: Completed in Q2 2024.

Item 2: Development of 'LIR Fundamentals' e-learning course

We are building an e-learning course for new LIRs/ Members to make them aware of the roles and responsibilities of the RIPE NCC membership.

Status: Completed in Q3 2024.

Item 3: Development of an IPv6 Advanced face-to-face course

We are building a new advanced IPv6 course with the goal of helping learners design an IPv6 infrastructure as part of a phased approach to implementing IPv6. This course focuses on building IPv6 networks from scratch or based on existing IPv4 networks.

Status: Completed in Q3 2024.

Item 4: Updating and adding new e-learning animations and videos

In response to steady feedback, we are adding and updating videos throughout the RIPE NCC Academy, adding accessibility options and sharing available on multiple platforms.

Status: Continues in 2025.

Item 5: User journey implementation

Based on the feedback from the community and members received during the Needs Assessment and Usability Tests conducted in 2023, we will work on improving the user journey when accessing L&D's pages, information, and services with a holistic approach.

Status: Continues in 2025.

Item 6: IPv6 subnetting e-learning

We will update the e-learning content by explaining how to calculate IPv6 prefixes in more detail.

Status: Completed in Q3 2024.

Item 7: Development of an 'Internet Measurements' e-learning course

We are developing a new e-learning course for the RIPE NCC Academy about Internet Measurements, and how RIPE Atlas and RIPEstat can be used for those measurements.

Status: Continues in 2025.

Item 8: Development of an 'Advanced IPv6' e-learning course

We are developing a new IPv6 Advanced e-learning course for the RIPE NCC Academy to help learners design an IPv6 infrastructure to deploy IPv6. This course focuses on building IPv6 networks from scratch or based on existing IPv4 networks.

Status: Continues in 2025.

Item 9: Review and update of certification exams

We review our exams regularly to ensure their quality and relevance. In Q4 2024, we updated the RIPE Database and IPv6 Fundamentals exams.

Status: Completed in Q4 2024.

2023 Plans and Community Input

Item 1: Developing Microlearnings on RPKI

We developed a series of small modules on implementing RPKI in the RIPE NCC Academy, including "Why RPKI?" and "What is RPKI?".

Completed in Q3 2023.

Item 2: Transitioning to a new platform for Certified Professionals

In response to member feedback, we worked with a new provider to develop and integrate a more user-friendly exam platform for remote online assessments.

Completed in Q3 2023.

Item 3: Developing Certified Professionals recertification programme

We defined and documented on our website the procedure to get recertified after a Certified Professional certification expires after three years.

Completed in Q3 2023.

Item 4: Development of BGP Security face-to-face course

We developed a two-day BGP security course with the goal of explaining the vulnerabilities of BGP protocol from the perspective of routing security and understanding the measures that should be deployed to prevent accidental and intentional routing incidents and to strengthen the security of the global routing system.

Completed in Q3 2023.

Community Input LD-2024#01: Needs Assessment and Usability Testing

In 2023, we conducted several in-person interviews and surveys to collect feedback from our members and the community (Needs Assessment and Usability Tests). We will use that input in different projects to improve the user journeys and our services.

2022 Plans and Community Input

Item 1: Developing the BGP Security e-learning course

We updated our BGP security e-learning course with virtual labs to be published on the RIPE NCC Academy. More information can be found on RIPE Labs.

Completed in Q4 2022.

Item 2: Developing the BGP Security Certified Professionals Exam

We created a new BGP Security Certified Professionals exam that was made available on the PSI platform.

Completed in Q4 2022.

Item 3: Developing the Internet Governance e-learning course

We updated the Internet Governance e-learning course and published it on the RIPE NCC Academy.

Completed in Q4 2022.

Item 4: Developing the Anti-Abuse webinar

We update the Anti-Abuse webinar materials as requested by the Anti-Abuse WG. For more information, check the Anti-Abuse WG mailing list archives.

Completed in Q4 2022.

Item 5: Planning the return and delivering our face-to-face training sessions

After delivering training sessions fully remotely during COVID, we updated our materials to prepare for the face-to-face training sessions scheduled to take place in Q2 2022. We also made adjustments to our processes and communication with participants.

Completed in Q2 2022.