RIPE Documents by Category
Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryAll Current RIPE Documents
List of current RIPE Documents.
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryRIPE Database Documents
This page regroups reference manuals and other useful documents for RIPE Database users are available from the Database Document Library. Below please find a list of all current RIPE Documents relating to the RIPE Database.
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryIPv6 Documents
All documents relating to IPv6.
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryRIPE NCC Organisational Documents
Includes all documents relating to the RIPE NCC and its organisation, including Annual Reports, Financial Reports and Charging Schemes.
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryRIPE Governance
These documents describe how the RIPE community is governed. This includes the framework of processes, functions, structures and rules between the different stakeholders forming the RIPE community.
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryBest Common Practices
This page regroups all documents proposing mutually accepted norms on the best way to carry out specific operations. This process is often led by the community at the initiative of Task Forces.
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryGuidelines
This page regroups informational material for the community.
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryRequest Forms & Supporting Notes
Resource Request Forms and Supporting Notes
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryDraft and Discussion Documents
This section contains draft documents that are intended to serve as a basis for discussion. They can later become fully-fledged RIPE Documents.